Frequent Questions

If you feel your question hasn't been answered below, please do not hesitate to get in touch - A member of the team will happily assist you.

From which Countries can I watch UK TV on Holiday?

Our servers have global IP Addresses - they can be accessed from any Country in the world. No matter where you are, you will be able to connect to the TV on Holiday servers seamlessly and enjoy UK based TV services such as the BBC iPlayer, ITV, Channel 4, 5oD plus loads more.

Do I have to be in the UK to Sign Up?

No, not at all. You can sign up for TV on Holiday from anywhere in the world. Access to our service is instant and fully automated. Doesn't matter at all where you are in the world. You can view TV from anywhere and sign up from anywhere.

I noticed your packages are subscription based... Can I pay for just one week?

Of course you can. Our service is completely flexible; you pay for what you use and not a penny more. We use subscriptions because the vast majority of our customers live abroad and therefore subscriptions are the most efficient way for us to operate. You can cancel easily from the Members Area of our website which you will access to view the getting connected guides for your device. Cancellations are processed instantly so you will only pay for one week.

I want to start my package in a few days time... is this possible?

Yes, of course you can. We do this by taking payment today then amending the start and end dates on your account. When you receive your welcome email simply reply stating the date you would like your account to begin and we'll take care of everything. TV on Holiday is a very flexible & personal service - we cater for every customer requirement and do our very best to fulfil this, always to the highest standards possible.

What Channels Can I watch whilst on Holiday?

You can access a wide range of UK-based TV Services when connected to our servers. All of which can be viewed in the TV on Holiday Channels Section. In summary, you can view BBC iPlayer and the full range of BBC services including Radio, ITV Player, Channel 4, Channel 5, Live BBC 1 and 2 plus loads more.

How do I connect to your Servers?

You connect to our servers using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection from your device. Don't worry, connecting to our servers is simple; our detailed & intuitive connection guides can be found in the TV on Holiday Members Area which you will gain immediate access to after sign up. The TV on Holiday sign up/activation process is completely automated; you will have access in minutes.

If I am unhappy with the service can I have a refund?

Our aim is always to provide services that are high quality. If for any reason you are unhappy with the service you have purchased there will be no issue with a refund. We have never issued a refund in the past; we're confident that you will be delighted with the service you receive here at

How do I cancel the service?

All of our payments are handled safely and securely by Paypal. You can either cancel the service through Paypal or you can contact us through the website or by telephone and we will cancel immediately. There are no additional charges applied to cancellation and no contract commitments. Client cancellations will always remain an instant and easy to apply task. More information can be found in the TV on Holiday Members Area which you will receive access to upon sign up.

Can I trial the service for free?

I'm afraid we cannot offer a trial of services. We are confident that our service provides exactly what you are looking for which is to watch UK TV abroad... Our services do exactly what they say they do and moreover, they (our servers) are 100% reliable and efficient. Our servers are maintained on a daily basis to ensure that they perfrom always to their maximum potential.

What do I do if I experience difficulties?

We receive a fairly low volume of support issues from clients primarily due to the fact that connecting to our servers works always and is simple to setup. However, if you do hit problems a member of the team is on hand to help all of the time. You can contact us through the website by email or you can call us directly on our free phone telephone number. We will do our very best to resolve your issues both professionally and in the quickest time possible.

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

Without getting too technical, a Virtual Private Network, in its most basic form, is a secure and private network with a single connection to a public network such as the Internet. Whilst the VPN technology has many more capabilities, we use this technology simply to provide you with a UK-based IP Address; a tunnel to connect you to your favourite TV Services no matter where you are in the world. If you didn't connect to our VPN, you would obtain an IP Address from the country you were visiting and would be declined access to UK based TV Services. Our VPN provides you with a UK-based IP Address which allows you to view UK TV online just as you would back home.

If you're question(s) have not been answered, please let us know and a Member of the Team will assist you.

Don't travel without it...

"We used TV on Holiday in Cyprus. It was easy to download, just follow the instructions. It worked first time and made BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, 4oD fully available just like home. Simple to log in and out as required, and no hassle to terminate when you return home."

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Customer Guarantee TV on Holiday is 100% commited to customer satisfaction for all packages we offer... We will provide you with the service exactly as we promise or you'll get your money back.